Look at the title again. It was easy to say right? But you have to put almost all of your energy just to do what it says, but when problem comes and it’s so big to handle we forget those phrases above and we ending up crying and feeling of failure comes along.
Actually there’s a lot of effective tips how make you strong and endure the pain that this world brings. But sometimes those are just tips it is up to each of us to hold on and we have our ways to face our challenges in life.
I would like to share my deepest secret (and now it is no longer secret. ^.^) well, I can say this just my simple way overcoming shortcomings at least it is effective though.

Yup yes it is, maybe this is the reason why other people asking why I’ always happy and it seems that I don’t have any problem. My answer, Is that I spend time using my knees and talking to the Almighty Father telling Him every single thing. And that’s what makes me go on with my life.

We can say that this is one way of communicating with the Creator. Now, how will you know God deeper without communication? Just like a relationship (friends, lovers) distance really matter right? But without communication such as phone, internet, cell phone, don’t you think that the relationship you have will last? Of course not.
We should do it not just because we want something it’s because only God can make up happy that no one else can do.
Prayer must come from the heart with compassion. Find strength in God and HE will give you strength that you will need to face challenges.
Seek God. Do not just be contented with just a single prayer. You prayed because you need something and that will not end there. Remember, God will use those circumstances, problems, trials in your life for you to call upon Him. Not to harm you but for you to lean on Him because we really need Him. He really loves us so much that He is hunger for our love and as His children we should make it a habit talking to Him and don’t stop until something happen. He will answer you through His word.
Don’t hesitate to ask God to help you, and you will discover His will. In every door that will close for sure God will open a new window for you.

Stay focus. For us not to give up? Stay focus, don’t allow the enemy conquers you but conquer him.
If we are to God the problems that will come to our way will just turn into a nothing!! God will provide us strength to defeat it and after that another testimony of how great is He.
Come to think of it, life is so hard (that’s true) but knowing God is powerful then I am / you are too!! Declare it!!
Happy reading.^.^
nak kamuka mo yung bata :)