Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BLESSEDday Confession #40 - happy birthday mama!

They said I look exactly like you act like you, talk like you. But I told myself that " wala ako sa kalingkingan mo" I really adore this woman (center) for being strict. I know for a fact that behind those brave eyes and growling voice over us makes us feel so loved. you don't have to prove anything just to be a perfect mother, we love you just the way you are. As you can see we are all grown up. We are here to take care of you MAMA. I may not be the best "anak" , But I promise you to do what is right. You don't have to remind me, I' do it! that somehow can make you proud. ^.^

GOD bless!

(me, MAMA and my sis)

Happy reading ^.^