The greatest power we have in our Christian life is faith. No wonder because of this we've already shook the mountains and we can testify about His wondrous works in our lives.
But have you ever felt that sometimes God seems so far away? and when you are in the peak of your faith suddenly feel so sad because your prayers are not being heard?
If we are experiencing trials and circumstances , these are a sign that our faith is being shaken. The enemy will do everything just to destruct you, as in everything.

As a child of God, don;t stop praying until you find your strength to God, like a child longing for his father to come home after work. No matter how long it will takes as long as you are willing to wait just to see Him And when that time comes happiness are everywhere, and like any father would do, He will embrace you with warmth love and He has a gift for you because you wait.
Be excited !!keep the faith
Make Him smile...
I'm moved with this post nak I love you! pag nagkita tayo may tatanong ako sayo... its something personal... you keep on moving the hearts of people huh???