"Come to me and I will give you rest."
I remember when I was in my highschool years when I read the story of Job.
That time I was assigned to handle Sunday school.
It was a good story I think. And it made me admire him because of his unshakable faith.
He was a wealthy man with a good family relationship, business, good friends behind him. etc. Good thing about him was he has a relationship with God.
And then time came when his faith was being tested.
All his riches gone., Friends left him because he has none. and his children left him also doing sinful things. in short all of the worst in life was given to him.
the people around asking him to curse God because He is the reason of all this worst thing happening to him.
but still he continue praising God with all of his heart and might.
and the enemy gave him illness. And his wife advised him to refuse God. She think that the reason behind is God. But Job stand on what he truly believes. He continue praising the name of the Lord.
and then God saw his faithfulness to Him. and He blessed Job twice more than what he has in the past.
In our Christian Life it is normal that our faith is being tested. Expect the worst problem.. All we have to do is to rely on the power of our Creator. The more we pray harder the more we get closer to Him.
See what Job did? he never stop until God pour out His blessings..
sometimes we want to give up with just a simple problem but come to think of it.
if we sacrifice and stand on what we truly believe we can win this battle.
We can stand firm and say " I am a conqueror!!"
I am a conqueror, how a bout you?
happy reading.. ^.^GOD bless you more and more
make HIM smile