Hello! I am here again! Hihi ^.^
I would like to share what I’ve shared to the youth.
I am assigned for the word of God. So I would like to share this one. ^.^
According to 1 Peter 4:9
“Offer hospitality to each other without grumbling.
There’s one experienced that I went thru that I would like to share. I have had a friend from the past that every time we will fight about small things we usually tease each other by our physical appearance since I was in grade school And being so young and “maldita” I would throw a big tease on her and vice versa. The rival stops when my parents decided to move in other place. But we were still on the fight that time. Years gone by and until we saw each other again, back then when I was still education student. She decided to enter my Organization, and when she passed my Organizations audition. I have no choice but to welcome her as one of the member. At the back of my mind I was like “ yih!!!! Bakit?” But at the end I finally accepted her as sis, since we treat our members as a family.
Let’s be honest, hospitality is very big task for us. It involves sacrifice. Doing the things that you don’t want to do make us so sick! Haha
But we have to do it WITHOUT COMPLAINING.
It’s because we represent GOD.
God loved us when we were so unlovely, so we have to love people who are unlovable in our sight. Picture that.
Paul said in Romans 12:31 “Share with God’s people who are in need, practice hospitality.”
It’s so easy for us to show hospitality to the people we know. But Jesus said in Matthew 5:46 “ if you love the people who love you, everybody can do that”
It’s like sharing the love that comes from God. We should pass it to everyone.
4 pointers to practice hospitality.
1.Forget your old self. “I’m not approachable.” , “She’s/he’s not my type.” ,” I am shy.” If God changed you, you will no longer say these things. If anyone is in Christ the new has come the old has gone.
Before I was a big snob to everyone, but when I came to know GOD and felt his presence I became friendly, I am claiming this gift , I can start a conversation in all kinds of people, and in any ages.
2. Share it to everyone. – Meaning you have to show care to the people you hate, the people you seem you can’t be with. That’s a big challenge but if God is with you, it’s easy.
3. MOVE! Prayer without work is useless. You have to take the risk. This just like a dream or your goal, if you want to be successful in life you have to do something. MOVE.
4. ACTION- Act like there’s no time wasted. Make them feel that they are welcome and make them feel that they are loved. Apply 1,2,3 . make them feel that they afford you brotherly love.
And remember: WE REPRESENT GOD.
Sharing is nice!
photo: Google images.
Happy reading ^.^

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
BLESSEDday Confession #24 - I am "Out" to be "In".
Hello readers! It's been a long time huh? I missed blogging, really.
the past months were very busy and lots of things to be done. I Am thinking of a new post in my dear blog. Seriously, I want to post something unique and fine, but I realized everyday of our life can serve a BLESSEDday Confession. it's just that i don't have the time to post it all.haha! ^.^
Are you ready?
My decision to post this confession is to tell the youth who always want to be in trend and doesn't want to be outdated so they try to go with the flow on what on the earth brings.
story behind?
here's my true to life experience with my Professor.
Our topic was on the drugs ( since I am in medical field that's why we tackled on that). He ask for the Contraindication of the drug that he's asking. I am thinking knowing that the drug that He's asking was familiar. I kept quiet and thinking so seriously and when my prof decided to reveal the answer I suddenly remembered the right I am excited to say it. I didn't just say it I say it with a loud voice "Contraindicated to the pregnant woman!" all eyes on me, and the whole class laughed. and the brow of my prof raised. He asked "bakit? buntis ka?" (why? your pregnant?). And I answered "Of course not sir" . He said this," virgin?" , I responded "Of course sir!".
He said to whole class, "You know what class, people who are still virgin now a days, said that they lack of many opportunities,(laugh). because no one wants to touch them."
I answered with confidence, " No sir, that not true, I rather choose to be pure."
I don't know how it started but someone ask if I have a boyfriend.They found out that i had none.
I responded with great confidence , " It's my option to remain single for now."
then, my prof continued our lesson.
That's the reason why many young people, were lost, because of the trend here,because they don't want to be outdated, they want to be in ,so they try go with the flow. And after that, they'll regrets the things that they did. But I still believe in God's word " Be Holy, because I am holy."
God created us so beautiful and wonderful, and we are expected to take care of ourselves, especially our purity. being liberated is now trending, and being conservative is old. But which side do you think if you do, God will be glorified?
I am not saying sex is bad, but actually it is a God's gift to the married couple, take note, " married couple." not boyfriends and girlfriends, but MARRIED.
if you are a person who fall into that "thing", surrender wholeheartedly, and ask the Lord to cleanse you from the impurities you went through, our God is very forgiving if you just call unto Him. So the next move will be yours, when? Not tomorrow, later or other day but now. That's the best thing about our God , you can reach Him 24/7.
Old saying and still true. "Wait for the right one." , and I quote, " pray for the right one at the right time."
In one book that Ive read, " The right love in the wrong time is still the wrong thing." ( I kissed dating goodbye by: Joshua Harris).
- being a conservative Is cool, being outdated is "In".
I've heard this story in a youth service. " the conversation of the virgin and not virgin girls.
not virgin - " still virgin??Haha! OMG! You're the only girl in our friends that stayed virgin. haha!pathetic."
virgin - " You know what?, I could be like you, anytime and whenever I want to. But for you, YOU WILL NEVER BE LIKE ME."
----> God Is the best matchmaker, I do believe as I serve Him with all my heart, my future is secure. As for now, I enjoy loving the LORD. My future man will come.
Here's my photo saying IN maging OUT
and so " No sir, that's not true! I rather choose to be pure."
Happy reading. ^.^
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