Who is he? He's one of my friend in my church when I'm in Manila.
I decided to attend the said Church the day of my birthday way back October 10,2010
He was the Worship leader that time. With his move or the way he act I can say that
he is a man of God.
very strict leader he is, I can say the way he handled their youth. not really hot tempered oh maybe sometimes.. hihi ^.^
you know what people he has this funny side. All you have to do is to know him better
than to judge him.
One experience I would like to share with him
was that he ask me to join them in Christmas Caroling. although my schedule doesn't fit. I decided not to go and review my papers because we are having our exams. And mind you people " GRABE SYANG MANGONSENSYA"
no kidding !! hihi ^.^ after all another kind of experience that I will never forget kenneth " first time kong mangaroling!"
and also he always beat me in every game that we'll play!! GRRR!!!! joke!! ^.^
(hungman, air hockey) that I have to pay for those..(starbucks)
Blessed I am knowing him.. a newly found friend that I will treasure. although we've known each other for 3 months only as he time goes by i know that we will have more laughter hihi
hello there kenneth!! happy birthday bro!! always be a blessings to others ok!!
God is always there to make you happy even in your special day!!! GOD IS WITH YOU!!!
happy birthday!!

( i took this photo ...i think.. )

remember this?? hihi ^.^
enjoy your day! ^.^