I decided to share my journal here (but not all ) I have made poems.. sorry i'm not like this, writing poems and other literary thing.
But God is so great! He's bringing out a spirit of a poet inside of me.. hihi ^.^
sometimes the things that impossible for you to do suddenly will surprise you because God help you out to do it.. POWERFUL huH!
here it is..
" You saw my short comings
witness my sin
I know these hurt you a lot
ashamed of myself but still
You love me the same."
------I wrote this when I'm in trials and turn back from the Lord but still I'm here enjoying His presence! ^.^
" I let go of YOur hand
I broke Your heart many times
but You're still there
lifting me up
when the world turns on me. "
" even if I don't speak any words on my mouth
my heart says I need you so
and You know weather I'm happy or hurt
You know them all.
I need you to complete me that no one else can do.
"I need You in my life."
that's all. ^.^ happy reading ^.^